Active Martial Arts North Devon CIC

Company Director
Aaron Iain Blake
Active Martial Arts North Devon CIC is an inclusive martial arts school that encourages people of all ages, ethnicities, genders and abilities to train in martial arts enabling them to become fit and active both mentally and physically.
We at Active Martial Arts would like to try and support as many families as possible, especially those who are on a low income. We are doing our best working with other organisations to find new ways of financially helping lower income families so everyone can enjoy the full benefits of martial arts.
Active martial Arts have previously worked with Active Devon to help support with equipment for members of the club and we have also worked with the Safer Streets Programme providing FREE martials classes for the students of North Devon College.
Active Martial Arts North Devon CIC does everything in its power to try and help all of the community thrive together.
If you would like to support Active Martial Arts North Devon CIC we are always grateful for any contributions to help more families and create better experiences for ALL the generations of the community.
To donate simply click on the DONATE TO ACTIVE MARTIAL ARTS button, then select the service Active Martial Arts Devon CIC Donation £10, £20, £50 or £100 select the icon choose and you will be able to complete your contribution.
If any families are looking to seek financial help from Active Martial Arts North Devon CIC we ask that you fill out our application form and we will do our best to assist you. You will have to meet all of our criteria to receive funding from Active Martial Arts.
Active Martial Arts would like to try and support as many families as we can but only have limited funding which normally comes from special events that Union Karate Do hosts. Even if an applicant is successful they may be put on a waiting list for funding.